Rev 1504: New reduction log, improved WCS and pupilghost
Rev 1504 (2015-08-24)
- Improved WCS solution for some frames where QR < 0.9 found a valid solution, but the faster algorithm in QR 1.1 yielded some wrong, yet seemingly good, WCS solution
- Improved algorithm to compute Pupilghost templates by auto-centering and auto-rotating all constituent frames rather than relying on center positions derived by hand.
- New reduction log added to the output file (both primary and OTA headers);
Example:Reduction log _OVERSCN= 'successful' / overscan subtraction _XTALK = 'successful' / crosstalk correction _GAIN = 'not selected' / explicit gain correction _BIAS = 'not selected' / bias subtraction _DARK = 'not selected' / dark correction _FLAT = 'not selected' / flatfielding _ILLUMCR= 'not selected' / illumination correction _BADPXLS= 'not selected' / bad pixel masks applied _EXTNORM= 'not selected' / normalize to counts per sec _PERSIST= 'not selected' / persistency masking _SATURAT= 'not selected' / saturation trail masking _WCSDIST= 'successful' / import WCS distorion _COSMICS= 'not selected' / cosmic ray rejection _PGHOST = 'not selected' / pupilghost removal _FRINGE = 'attempted' / fringe removal _WCSCAL = 'successful' / astrometric calibration _NONSDRL= 'not selected' / non-sidereal correction _PHOTCAL= 'not selected' / photometric ZP calibration _SOFTBIN= 'not selected' / software binning